This Family of Creatives Is Making Every Day in Their Park Slope Brownstone Amazing
Excerpt from Architectural Digest
"Join Amy Globus in her family’s newly renovated Park Slope, Brooklyn, brownstone: Her two lovably rambunctious children wiggle in their seats at the vast kitchen island while her husband, who was once on MasterChef and speaks with a British accent, is pulling freshly baked bread from the oven. Before you collapse into a heap of envy, please know that it wasn’t always like this, of course. In the early years of their marriage, Amy and her husband, Gareth Miles, rented tiny apartments in nearly every neighborhood in the city before buying their first home: a two-bedroom in the building Ansonia Court. It was enough space for the couple, but after a few years and two additions to the family—Hunter, now seven years old, and Bowen, now five—things began to feel cramped. Bowen’s crib was in their kitchen. It was time to go.
Their brownstone, like much of what fills it, was a lucky find fatefully discovered thanks to Amy’s dedication—and constant StreetEasy refreshing. She approached the house hunt and the subsequent renovation the same way she approaches her work as the cofounder and creative director of Team, a strategic branding and design studio: earnestly, with total immersion..."
Photography by Gieves Anderson
Ultimately, renovating their forever home allowed Amy and Gareth to add features and details that are not only unique to their house but that act as pillars of the “everyday amazing” philosophy. Skylights installed directly above the bed in the master bedroom allow the couple to literally stargaze before falling asleep, or cloud-watch from the comfort of a cloudlike Duxiana bed on a sleepy weekend afternoon. Amazing it certainly is.
Photography by Gieves Anderson
The new and improved living room. The area rug is by Nanimarquina, and the floor lamp and planters are from BDDW.